What's Happening in Second Grade Tech? September - Digital Citizenship Meet our digi friends who help us remember to be safe online. Purple - use our legs to stand up to bullies. Green - use our arms to balance how much time we spend online. Yellow - use our gut to help us know when something is not right online. Blue- use our head to question what we see online. Orange - use our feet to think about what we are leaving online. Red - use our heart and never say anything mean online. October - Logging onto Chromebooks/Typing Club Move from swipe to type! First grade students now have an lccs email account that they need in order to log onto the chromebooks. We started with a cardboard keyboard and then moved onto the chromebooks. Students learned how to use the shift key to make upper case letters and the @ sign. After they logged on, students went to Typing Club. They are now starting to use all ten fingers to type!! They know how to use the hand that is closest to the letter and not a single finger for the entire keyboard. November/December - Coding Second grade has started to learn block coding. They are moving blocks around to make characters move around a grid. They look at the arrow blocks and then decide which blocks will move their character in the right direction. Students are working in partners. They are pair programming which is common practice in the real working world. One student is the driver which means they control the mouse and keyboard. The other partner is the navigator who helps the driver make decisions about how to proceed. January/February/March - Becoming Architects Second grade is using cardboard to build tiny houses. They started by drawing floor plans and deciding what they wanted included in their tiny houses. They are working in partners to design both the inside and the outside of their houses. April/May - Coding off the screen with Botley Students will code Botley using what they learned coding to make Botley move through a series of obstacles. June - Fun with Pulleys Students will use pulley wheels to create a carnival on a platform. They will understand that the size of the wheel changes the rate of turn.
November/December - Coding Second grade has started to learn block coding. They are moving blocks around to make characters move around a grid. They look at the arrow blocks and then decide which blocks will move their character in the right direction. Students are working in partners. They are pair programming which is common practice in the real working world. One student is the driver which means they control the mouse and keyboard. The other partner is the navigator who helps the driver make decisions about how to proceed. January/February/March - Becoming Architects Second grade is using cardboard to build tiny houses. They started by drawing floor plans and deciding what they wanted included in their tiny houses. They are working in partners to design both the inside and the outside of their houses. April/May - Coding off the screen with Botley Students will code Botley using what they learned coding to make Botley move through a series of obstacles. June - Fun with Pulleys Students will use pulley wheels to create a carnival on a platform. They will understand that the size of the wheel changes the rate of turn.